How Much Does Buying A Home Really Cost?

Real Estate purchases can be daunting. If purchasing a home is on your list for 2025, here are some of the typical costs to think about:
1) Down payments - Options available as low as 5% of the price. Meeting with a few good lenders should always be step #1.
2) GST - While this can be complicated, most typical residential home buyers are eligible for a GST exemption.
3) Property Transfer Tax - The province charges a hefty tax to Buyers, however there are exemptions for first-time Buyers.
4) Realtor Fees - Most often the Seller covers Realtor fees on listed properties. They pay while you, the Buyer, get the benefits.
Thinking about these will get you started, but there are many others to consider such as lawyer fees, moving costs, insurance costs and more. This is one of the many ways a Realtor can help ensure a smooth process. Questions? Give me a call, I'd be happy to guide you.